Monday 23 December 2013

Shakespeare’s last abode ‘found’ by archaeologists

Demolished in the 18th century, the house where William Shakespeare lived until his death has been “unearthed” by British archaeologists.
BBC reports that the archaeologists who have been working on the site since 2009 believe they have made success by identifying  features of the house such as kitchens and a brew house.
Digging for Shakespeare's real acts.
Manager of the excavation, Kevin Colls, from Staffordshire University, has been quoted saying "We have identified as much as we can in terms of what the house looked like and where it stood on the site.
"The site itself has a long and drawn-out history. New Place was built in 1483 and Shakespeare bought it in 1597. The house was demolished in the 18th Century and a new house was built there.
"What we found were the jumbled remains of two houses, with some dating from the 18th Century house and some belonging to Shakespeare's house. But we now have a pretty good idea of what's what.
"We have identified pretty accurately the footprint of Shakespeare's New Place and can say what kind of activities would have gone on in the rooms, such as the brew house, which ran down the side of the house, and the kitchens."

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