Tuesday, 31 December 2013

A star-translator of Nobel winner, Munro, emerges in Japan

Japanese translator, Yumiko Kotake, 59, and Nobel Prize in Literature 2013 winner, Canadian, Alice Munro have things in common.

With both having raised three children, each, and dedicate much time and passion to children literature, the translator, according to The Japan News monitored online, has been lifting the common factors higher.

Yumiko Kotake
Latest of the four works of Munro translated into Japanese by Kotake is no other than the popular Canadian’s short-story collection Dear Life. More interesting, the Japanese version was published on December. 10, the same day the Swedish Academy formally presented the Nobel Prize to Munro.

Kotake said, “I was motivated by beginner’s luck.” Munro’s works, she noted,  contain “descriptions of mundane everyday lives, along with a wistfulness and an uplifting power that can be vividly felt. 
That’s what’s so appealing about this book.” 

In 1995, she made her debut as a translator at age 41.

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