Monday, 17 September 2012

Editor defends topless Kate pictures

Laurence Pieau, the editor of Closer, the French magazine that published Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton’s topless pictures has defended the publication.
 According to AFP, Pieau says it’s nothing new.
  “These photos are not in the least shocking. They show a young woman sunbathing topless, like the millions of women you see on beaches,” she was quoted.
Laurence Pieau, the editor of Closer

  The editor added:  "One shouldn't dramatise these pictures. The reaction has been a little disproportionate. It is a young couple that has just been married. They are in love. They are beautiful. She is the princess of the 21st century.
  “These are pictures that are full of joy. They are not degrading. Similarities have been drawn with the pictures of Harry. They are not similar. These are not degrading."

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