Tuesday, 9 August 2016

One thousand years of art from Africa berths in Europe

From South Africa comes what has ben described as one of Africa’s greatest treasures, a 800-year-old golden rhinoceros of Mapungubwe. The piece is leaving the continent  - for the first time - as part of a British Museum exhibition that explores 100,000 years of South African art.
A 800-year-old golden rhinoceros heading for British Musuem
Also to be on display are more than 200 exhibits, opening in October, along with the loan rhino and other extraordinary gold objects is particularly significant.

“The curator in charge of those objects has called them Africa’s crown jewels and I think he is right in saying that,” said John Giblin, head of the British Museum’s Africa’s section.
“I got to see them for the first time last year which was incredibly exciting, and to bring them here, for them to be part of a story for new audiences, is a fantastic thing.” REAG MORE.

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