Monday, 27 January 2014

UNESCO to support damaged Cairo Islamic museum

UNESCO is making attempt to assist the renowned Islamic art museum damaged by a bombing that was aimed at nearby security headquarters, in Cairo, Egypt, the country’s Minister of Antiquities Muhammed Ibrahim said on Sunday.

Egyptian security forces in front of the Islamic Museum, Cairo after the bomb attack 
A team of the world body, he disclosed will travel to Cairo to assess the damage. It has also been revealed that the museum will “get $100,000 from the UNESCO to help the museum recover from the damage Ibrahim added.

The bombing, believed to have been carried out on Friday, in a truck was one of four attacks across the capital was said to have aimed the police. The attacks, which killed six people released huge blast that shattered the facade of the security headquarters, and hit the artefacts in the museum across the street.
Some of the damages included centuries-old glass and porcelain pieces were smashed to powder, a priceless wooden prayer niche was destroyed and manuscripts were soaked by water spewing from broken pipes.

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