Sunday, 10 November 2013

U.S, Israel lose UNESCO voting rights

UNESCO dares U.S. by striping the world power of her voting right.

After suspending funding to the United Nation Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2011 over Palestinian admission, the U.S and Israel, were on Friday stripped by the world body of voting rights.

On Friday, neither the U.S nor Israel provided documentation needed "to avoid losing their right to vote," a source from the ongoing UNESCO meeting states.

Both countries stopped paying their contributions to the global body after the Palestinians gained membership two years ago, thereby causing a major financial crisis which led to hundreds of jobs at risk at UNESCO. The U.S. contributions to the UNESCO account for $80 million a year, or 22 percent of the Paris-based UN body’s budget

In a speech Friday night, the outgoing U.S. ambassador to UNESCO, David Killion, told delegates that top U.S. officials, including President Barack Obama "have been working tirelessly to seek a legislative remedy that would allow the U.S resume paying our contributions to UNESCO. Regrettably, that remedy has not yet been achieved."

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