Sunday, 17 June 2012

Anonymous charity

 IN an attempt to give back to the society, the painter, Adewale Alimi, held a show and auction with about 20 works on display at the Quintessence Gallery, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, recently.
   Tagged, Anonymous, the show aimed at supporting the Ebunoluwa Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, set up to cater for orphans, the vulnerable, as well as less-privileged children in the society.
  Alimi says that Anonymous is taken from the fascination of everyday life in Lagos — the people, lifestyle, spirit and the energy of the state.
   Technically, it also serves as an avenue to appreciate and see how the artiste has improved in his new form of expression, impressionism, which he unveiled in his last show at the same venue last year. For example, in the streetscapes such as Market Hoardes, The Carnival Series and Hustling and Bustling, Alimi’s drawings give viewers wider perspective to interpreting different scenery in the state and as well as leave space for imagination.
    However, with conservative brushing, the colours in the Carnival series depart from the actual tones associated with such event, but the use of space is a major attraction to the content.
   While the Carnival series epitomise the razzmatazz and colours of Lagos festivities, most of the faces highlighted in the works are not exactly in sync with the festive mood of the city.
   Some of the faces are not really happy, what exactly do they want? The challenges of living in Lagos, the artist notes, are enough to leave perpetual frown on people’s faces. He, however, agrees that Lagos is a city with endless possibilities, as there are so many things to draw inspiration from.
   Again, while stress is a challenge to some people, it remains a temporary affair for others. He says, “Lagos with its vast resources and infrastructure, is appalling with urban congestion but the Lagosians are a breed apart. Millions of quick-witted economic migrants have created a city characterised by personal ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Nothing is wasted, everything is a commodity.”  
Anonymous by Adewale Alimi
   THEMATICALLY, Anonymous appears like an extension of his last show, Sublime, in which he argued that it is not enough to stop at mere creating of art. Artists, he stressed at the preview last year, “have the responsibility to create a mental serenity that could calm the distressed world.”
    His interest in suporting Ebunoluwa Foundation, he discloses, started last year, after his show at Quintessence. “ Aside from raising fund, to support the foundation, I believe the show will also create awareness for Ebunoluwa, so that people can support the needy.”
   The foundation, to an extent, is an extension of Quintessence, as it was founded by the proprietress of the gallery, Chief (Mrs.) Aino Ternstedt Oni-Okpaku.
   With corporate office at Stadium Road, GRA, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Ebunoluwa Foundation, according to the curator of Quintessence, has been enjoying supports from Nigerians.   
    However, he hopes that with Alimi’s Anonymous, more artists would use their art to support charity, not necessarily Ebunoluwa. He notes that there, the artists can contribute a lot to the less-privileged.

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